Martina Sanroman


"Tiger Eyes"


Acrylic on Canvas


Martina Sanroman is a Detroit born artist from a family of Mexican immigrants. She always found herself to be the artist in her family, in the classroom, at work, etc. Art has always been a hobby she naturally gravitated to and led her to become the self-taught artist she is today. She primarily works with acrylic and oil paints on canvas, but more recently has been exploring mural techniques. 

Recent projects she worked on include the mural in the lobby of the Brooke Apartments in Corktown and the memorial mural on the Mexican Town Bakery in Mexican town. Her self-starting journey started with live painting at local events in Detroit and has led her to displaying work at several galleries, art fairs and music festivals. 

Currently, Martina is focusing on reconnecting with her Mexican heritage through art and to continue to build deeper connections within the community.

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"Tiger Eyes"


Acrylic on Canvas


Martina Sanroman is a Detroit born artist from a family of Mexican immigrants. She always found herself to be the artist in her family, in the classroom, at work, etc. Art has always been a hobby she naturally gravitated to and led her to become the self-taught artist she is today. She primarily works with acrylic and oil paints on canvas, but more recently has been exploring mural techniques. 

Recent projects she worked on include the mural in the lobby of the Brooke Apartments in Corktown and the memorial mural on the Mexican Town Bakery in Mexican town. Her self-starting journey started with live painting at local events in Detroit and has led her to displaying work at several galleries, art fairs and music festivals. 

Currently, Martina is focusing on reconnecting with her Mexican heritage through art and to continue to build deeper connections within the community.

"Tiger Eyes"


Acrylic on Canvas


Martina Sanroman is a Detroit born artist from a family of Mexican immigrants. She always found herself to be the artist in her family, in the classroom, at work, etc. Art has always been a hobby she naturally gravitated to and led her to become the self-taught artist she is today. She primarily works with acrylic and oil paints on canvas, but more recently has been exploring mural techniques. 

Recent projects she worked on include the mural in the lobby of the Brooke Apartments in Corktown and the memorial mural on the Mexican Town Bakery in Mexican town. Her self-starting journey started with live painting at local events in Detroit and has led her to displaying work at several galleries, art fairs and music festivals. 

Currently, Martina is focusing on reconnecting with her Mexican heritage through art and to continue to build deeper connections within the community.